The Ripple Family

The Ripple Family Tree that is presented on this website contains information on both the descendants and ancestors of Ammon Syril Ripple (1879-1942) of Maryland USA. As information resources improve we will add what we learn. The original research predates computers, but was upgraded when computer research became possible. It was updated again when ancestry websites became readily available and continues to be updated as these sites provide more data points. The wide availability of DNA tests has provided another avenue for making connections with relatives near and far, a search that is currently underway.

This website is for all, but especially those families that spent Sundays at "Grandma Ripple's" in Cheltenham, Maryland, and celebrated Independence Day with more relatives than we knew existed at the family reunion. Although we're now scattered like so many leaves, there are still many familial ties that keep us bound together. Hopefully, this website will help us maintain those connections and generate new ones among OUR descendants.

If this is your first visit to the website, the "Descendants" tab focuses on the offspring of Ammon Ripple and Mary Smith. From there you can follow our ancestral roots as we step back one generation at a time with each tab. The names listed on the drop downs are siblings of our direct ancestor listed on the top tab. As we gather information, we'll add new tabs. I'm wondering how far back we can go!

family fourth

Independence Day Family Reunion - Under the sycamore trees with the broom factory in the background.

Ripple family reunion


family reunion